Obama Birth
An Army officer, who refused deployment to Afghanistan on the grounds that President Barack Obama didn’t have the authority to send him, seeks to have the charges filed against him thrown out.
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin faced a military judge in Virginia on Friday to face charges including disobeying a lawful order, missing movement (not deploying with his unit), and one count of dereliction of duty. Lakin did not enter a plea during the arraignment hearing and his attorney, Paul Jensen, requested a plea be deferred until the court had the opportunity to consider dismissing the case.
Judge Denise Lind, an Army colonel, approved Jensen’s request and allowed the attorneys for Lakin to prepare a motion for dismissal of the case by August 20. The hearings on the motions will take place on September 2 and September 14. Hearings in the future will be heard at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Lakin agreed to delay his plea, and also waived the opportunity to request whether a judge or jury would decide the fate of his case.
Laken, an 18 year veteran and decorated Army doctor, specialized as a primary care physician and flight surgeon. He claims his orders for deployment are illegal because President Obama has not been able to prove he was born in the country, thus invalidating his position as Commander and Chief.
Despite reports by two newspapers in Honolulu, Hawaii announcing the birth of Obama in August, 1961; as well as Hawaii’s Republican governor certifying Obama’s birth certificate as legitimate- Lakin still denies the facts presented. Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, explains, “I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health. The president was in fact born at Kapi”olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that”s just a fact.” She continues, “It”s been established he was born here. I can understand why people want to make certain that the constitutional requirement of being a natural-born American citizen … but the question has been asked and answered. And I think just we should all move on now.”
Lakin defends himself by stating, “I am not guilty of these charges, and will plead “not guilty” to them because of my conviction that our commander in chief may be ineligible under the United States Constitution to serve in that highest of all offices.”
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