Healthy Habits For Busy Professionals
It’s important to incorporate healthy habits into your daily life. Not only do they impact your mood and physical condition, but they also play a big role in lengthening your lifespan. Here are six things you can do every day to ensure you’re giving yourself the best chance possible.
1.) Always say yes to exercise
Even though there are so many easy ways to be lazy, try to opt in for extra exercise when the opportunity presents itself. Exercising daily is a sure way to stay healthy. Studies have shown that daily exercise can add as many as 3 years to your life.
Even if finding the time to create a structured exercise routine is difficult, you can be creative and just make a conscious decision to take the stairs, park further away, walk to work, bike to work, etc.
You’ll look better, feel better, and studies show- live longer.
2.) Eat a Good Breakfast
It’s important to include breakfast in your day. Studies show that people who include a healthy breakfast in their day are less likely to be obese or have diabetes when compared with those who don’t. The Mayo Clinic has done studies and recommends a breakfast that includes carbs, protein, and just a small amount of fat. Keeping your meals balanced is key. It ensures you get a good variety of nutrients- so be creative with your breakfast.
3.) Make sure you get enough sleep
Quality sleep lengthens your life. This has been suggested by a number of studies conducted over the past 10 years. Though it is still not known exactly how many hours of sleep a person needs, it’s been found that if you don’t get at least 7 hours, you heighten the risk of major illnesses- including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Sleep is important, but free online casino gambling so is the relaxation it brings us. Being deprived of that can seriously affect your psyche. Relaxation relieves stress and anxiety brought on from daily life- and people need to diminish those things to stay healthy. So whatever it is that can help you relax, meditation,shanghai massage therapy, music, make it a part of your daily life. You’ll be glad you did.
4.) Brush and Floss your Teeth Every day
Dr. Michael Roizen states that flossing can 6.4 years to your life, in his book The RealAge Makeover. Though it may sound a little exaggerated, the science behind it makes sense. Poor oral hygiene can lead to devastating gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. These diseases lead to a narrowing of arteries- which can cause cardiovascular disease. Just by brushing and flossing every day, we get rid of the bacteria that causes those diseases and save our arteries, and heart, a lot of trouble.
5.) Keep in Touch with Your Friends
Researchers have found that being a part of a social network, whether it’s a sports club, church, or cooking class, has a positive impact on both your mental and physical well-being.
Social networks provide us with useful information, for example- encouragement or urging to see a doctor. They offer physical support as well, like helping us run errands. Emotionally, they are there for us to help us overcome depression and anxiety. Maybe this seems simple, but these things can add years to your life.
6.) Drink Water! A lot!
Water is essential when it comes to our health! Water regulates our body temperature, protects our vital organs and joints, and helps move oxygen to our cells. We need to constantly replenish our water supply to keep the levels up. Just hydrate as much as possible!
Drink water all day long, make a habit of keeping a bottle of water with you at all times.
Daily Habits Lead to More Days
Incorporating these healthy daily habits into your life may seem difficult at first. But imagine the other habits in your life, waking up and making coffee with your old coffee maker, getting dressed in a shirt you’ve owned for years, driving to the same job you’ve had for 6 months. Those were all new activities once. Now you do them everyday. Get healthy, stay active, and add years to your life. You’ll thank yourself later.
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